Large types of model HSR that can be used in large-scale machine tools and building structures. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 100HR 120 200 334 351 506 HSR 120HR 130 220 365 429 612 HSR 150HR 145 266 396 518 728
The LM block has the same sectional shape as model HSR-CB, but has a longer overall LM block length (L) and a greater rated load. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 20HB 30 63 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 20HBM 30 63 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 25HB 36 70 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 25HBM 36 70 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 30HB 42 90 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 30HBM 42 90 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 35HB 48 100 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 35HBM 48 100 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 45HB 60 120 170.8 80.4 127 HSR 55HB 70 140 201.1 119 183 HSR 65HB 90 170 245.5 192 286 HSR 85HB 110 215 303 282 412 HSR 100HB 120 250 334 351 506 HSR 120HB 130 290 365 429 612 HSR 150HB 145 350 396 518 728
The LM block has the same cross-sectional shape as model HSR-CA, but has a longer overall LM block length (L) and a greater rated load. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 20HA 30 63 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 20HAM 30 63 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 25HA 36 70 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 25HAM 36 70 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 30HA 42 90 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 30HAM 42 90 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 35HA 48 100 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 35HAM 48 100 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 45HA 60 120 170.8 80.4 127 HSR 55HA 70 140 201.1 119 183 HSR 65HA 90 170 245.5 192 286 HSR 85HA 110 215 303 282 412 HSR 100HA 120 250 334 351 506 HSR 120HA 130 290 365 429 612 HSR 150HA 145 350 396 518 728
Six-bolt type. The LM block has six through holes. Used in places where the table cannot have through holes for mounting bolts. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 20CB 30 63 74 13.8 23.8 HSR 20CBM 30 63 74 13.8 23.8 HSR 25CB 36 70 83.1 19.9 34.4 HSR 25CBM 36 70 83.1 19.9 34.4 HSR 30CB 42 90 98 28 46.8 HSR 30CBM 42 90 98 28 46.8 HSR 35CB 48 100 109.4 37.3 61.1 HSR 35CBM 48 100 109.4 37.3 61.1 HSR 45CB 60 120 139 60 95.6 HSR 55CB 70 140 163 88.5 137 HSR 65CB 90 170 186 141 215 HSR 85CB 110 215 245.6 210 310
Has six tapped holes on the LM block. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 20CA 30 63 74 13.8 23.8 HSR 20CAM 30 63 74 13.8 23.8 HSR 25CA 36 70 83.1 19.9 34.4 HSR 25CAM 36 70 83.1 19.9 34.4 HSR 30CA 42 90 98 28 46.8 HSR 30CAM 42 90 98 28 46.8 HSR 35CA 48 100 109.4 37.3 61.1 HSR 35CAM 48 100 109.4 37.3 61.1 HSR 45CA 60 120 139 60 95.6 HSR 55CA 70 140 163 88.5 137 HSR 65CA 90 170 186 141 215 HSR 85CA 110 215 245.6 210 310
When using two units of LM Guide facing each other, the previous model required much time in machining the table and had difficulty achieving the desired accuracy and adjusting the clearance.Since model HSR-YR has tapped holes on the side of the LM block, a simpler structure is gained and significant...
The LM block has the same cross-sectional shape as model HSR-R, but has a longer overall LM block length (L) and a greater rated load. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 20LR 30 44 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 20LRM 30 44 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 25LR 40 48 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 25LRM 40 48 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 30LR 45 60 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 30LRM 45 60 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 35LR 55 70 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 35LRM 55 70 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 45LR 70 86 170.8 80.4 127 HSR 55LR 80 100 201.1 119 183 HSR 65LR 90 126 245.5 192 286 HSR 85LR 110 156 303 282 412
Having a smaller LM block width (W) and tapped holes, this model is optimal for compact design. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 8RM 11 16 24 1.08 2.16 HSR 10RM 13 20 31 1.96 3.82 HSR 12RM 20 27 45 4.7 8.53 HSR 15R 28 34 56.6 8.33 13.5 HSR 15RM 28 34 56.6 8.33 13.5 HSR 20R 30 44 74 13.8 23.8 HSR 20RM 30 44 74 13.8 23.8 HSR 25R 40 48 83.1 19.9 34.4 HSR 25RM 40 48 83.1 19.9 34.4 HSR 30R 45 60 98 28 46.8 HSR 30RM 45 60 98 28 46.8 HSR 35R 55 70 109.4 37.3 61.1 HSR 35RM 55 70 109.4 37.3 61.1 HSR 45R 70 86 139 60 95.6 HSR 55R 80 100 163 88.5 137 HSR 65R 90 126 186 141 215 HSR 85R 110 156 245.6 210 310
The LM block has the same cross-sectional shape as model HSR-B, but has a longer overall LM block length (L) and a greater rated load. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN HSR 20LB 30 63 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 20LBM 30 63 90 21.3 31.8 HSR 25LB 36 70 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 25LBM 36 70 102.2 27.2 45.9 HSR 30LB 42 90 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 30LBM 42 90 120.6 37.3 62.5 HSR 35LB 48 100 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 35LBM 48 100 134.8 50.2 81.5 HSR 45LB 60 120 170.8 80.4 127 HSR 55LB 70 140 201.1 119 183 HSR 65LB 90 170 245.5 192 286 HSR 85LB 110 215 303 282 412